Krk Cathedral

The Early Christian basilica was built in the 5th century on the area known for the Roman thermae, with a clear visible influence of different styles frawn from the Roman and Gothic periods throught to Renaissance and Baroque periods. Alongside the Franciscan castle, the cathedral is the best-known building which should be certainly visited.
Franciscan castle

The castle is located on Kamplin Square in Krk, built by the Frankopani Krk family with the objective of defending the town. Visit the oldest part of the castle, the quadrangle tower built in 1191 and which once housed Franciscan courtroom as well as, the round tower additionally built in the 13th century.

Temple of Venus

Don't miss the opportunity to visit this newly discovered archaeological site, the Temple of Venus located in the town of Krk, one of ten of its kind in the world, and the only one on the eastern Adriatic coast. Explore the temple of the goddess of love, fertility and beauty which dates back to 1st century BC, and witness the abundant cultural heritage of the island of Krk once again.